Easter wordsearch.
Happy Saint Patrick´s Day! Our students explained when they feel lucky!
6th graders do a project about their own brands. During job shadowing at our school, French teachers observed their project.
4th graders did a great job preparing a theatre in English for our foreign friends from Italy, Greece and France! The story of Saint George was amazing, everyone loved it! Their peers from 5th and 6th grade went to a theatre to see the performance, simply amazing! The theatre was a part of the Erasmus+ project of Myths and legends.
Speaking time in small groups.
6th graders listened to a presentation about Greece and Italy, prepared by our Erasmus+ partners from these countries. The teachers explained main facts about their countries, their culture and traditions. Great experience thanks to a project entitled ¨Myths and Legends¨.
Zoom with Ireland exchanging poems and songs. We will extend our collaboration during next year!
6th graders reviewing the content of the unit through Kahoot.
6th graders preparing their presentations about the project “Our trip to…”
Happy Halloween!
6th gaders starting the Halloween week doing an escape room in groups!
We believe that the emotional part is very important in education. For this reason we asked our students to share their personal information with their peers to feel more united. The students prepared the presentation about them using Canva.

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